So, I'm sure you were all thinking, "well why don't you just use `find` with `-type d`?" Well, for this specific task I will be using `find` to get a list of all files and then I need whatever that directory is for another script. So booyah, in your face! (hehe jk)
So, apparently if I have a directory structure string with a file at the end of it I can drop the end part like so:
## $f2 will now be /mnt/www/tmpdrin/dir1/dir2
Sweet as!
And if you were curious how I was using it as a one-liner, here ya go:
for f in `find /mnt/www/tmpdrin/ -type f`; do f2=`echo "$f" | sed -e 's!/mnt/!!g'`; f3=${f2%/*}; echo "$f3"; done
Obviously, I'm doing a lot more here than just echoing, but this is just an example mmmkay? ;)
Post Script: It's been a while for posts, but I've just been working on proprietary stuff lately and nothing would be too useful for ya'll. Sorry!