Wednesday, December 16, 2009

WordPress CLI Import

So a few weeks back I wrote some code to export a WordPress blog via the command line. Now, to come full circle I finished dissecting the code to import a WordPress blog via CLI.

Now before proceding, I highly recommend going through the import/export process via the admin GUI if you have not done so already. Doing so will let you understand fully what the entire process is like and can see why some parts of code were written.

At this point I assume that an xml export has already been made; if not, go make one!

Here's the entire code:

if ($argc < 4) {
print "Usage: $argv[0] from_topic to_topic xml_file\n";

$user_login = $argv[2];
include 'wp-config.php';
include 'wp-admin/includes/import.php';
include 'wp-includes/registration.php';
include 'wp-admin/includes/post.php';
include 'wp-admin/includes/taxonomy.php';
include 'wp-admin/import/wordpress.php';

// the WP_Import class looks for POST values for author_in and user_select
// author_in is an array of users to import
$_POST['author_in'][1] = $argv[1];

// user_select is an array of the selected user's ID for posts to be mapped to
// if empty, the user in author_in will be created
$userdata = get_userdatabylogin( $user_login );
$_POST['user_select'][1] = $userdata->ID;

$wp_import = new WP_Import();

The code is short and simple. The only part that was hard to understand was how the author_in and user_select POST arrays were used so, I'm going to take a minute to give a brief explanation.

$_POST['author_in'][1] = $argv[1];

Right now, I only have a need to import a 1-to-1 user mapping; meaning: import one user's posts and map them to an existing user. Though of course, with a little more work, this code can support a multiple user import.

The author_in array is a 0...n key array where the values are the users to-be-imported. Remember though, you'll need to remember what key you use since it'll be the same key for the user_select array.

$userdata = get_userdatabylogin( $user_login );
$_POST['user_select'][1] = $userdata->ID;

Now, the user_select array is made up of the existing blog's user's IDs where the key is the same key for whatever was used for the author_in array. (Yes, this is what confused me!)

If you wanted to import multiple users' blogs you'll understand these two arrays better.

Users to be imported: jim, mary
To be mapped to these users: frank, sue (respectively)

Now the arrays would look something like this:

$_POST['author_in'][0] = 'jim';
$_POST['author_in'][1] = 'mary';

$userdata = get_userdatabylogin( 'frank' );
$_POST['user_select'][0] = $userdata->ID;
$userdata = get_userdatabylogin( 'sue' );
$_POST['user_select'][1] = $userdata->ID;

Now hopefully you'll see what's going on now if you look at the array keys!

Enjoy! Cheers!

Monday, December 14, 2009

Help Save MySQL!

We are using MySQL, help save it!

Creator of MySQL, Michael "Monty" Widenius, blogged this passed Saturday urging all MySQL users to show their support. As we all know already, Oracle has acquired Sun and this puts MySQL's future in their hands. Monty outlines the dangers that are near if Oracle gets their way. The main form of showing support is to email the European Commission.

Monty was even kind enough to set up email templates so now all you need to do is copy/paste! I've reposted below:

Send this to:
If you want to keep us updated, send a copy to

If you have extra time to help, fill in the following, if not, just skip to the main text.

Size of company:
How many MySQL installations:
Total data stored in MySQL (megabyte):
For what type of applications is MySQL used:
Should this email be kept confidential by EC: Yes/No

Copy or use one of the below texts as a base for your answer:

I don't trust that Oracle will take good care of MySQL and MySQL should be divested to another company or foundation that have everything to gain by developing and promoting MySQL. One should also in the future be able to combine MySQL with closed source application (either by exceptions, a more permissive license or be able to dual license MySQL under favourable terms)


I think that Oracle could be a good steward of MySQL, but I would need EC to have legally binding guarantees from Oracle that:
- All of MySQL will continue to be fully Open Source/free software in the future (no closed source modules).
- Open Source version and dual-licensed version of MySQL should have same source (like today).
- That development will be done in community friendly way.
- The manual should be released under a permissive license (so that one can fork it, the same way one can fork the server)
- That MySQL should be released under a more permissive license to ensure that forks can truly compete with Oracle if Oracle is not a good steward after all.
- One should be able to always buy low priced commercial licenses for MySQL.
- All of the above should be perpetual and irrevocable.

There should also be mechanism so that if Oracle is not doing what is expected of it, forks should be able to compete with Oracle

I trust Oracle and I suggest that EC will approve the deal unconditionally.
