Monday, December 20, 2010

A Present? For Me?!

So, yes, yes, I know I haven't written anything in quite a long time, but hey, lots of work at the workplace and at the household.

Anyhow, I am throwing up a quick pablum announcing such exciting news! So, as I type on this laptop, I am one of the lucky ones to be able to test out Google's CR-48 (my typing instincts just tried to look for the non-existant* CAPS lock key and opened a tab instead).

So today, I received a package that didn't show what company it was from. I open it up and I read something about a "lithium battery" and then it clicks! "Aha! I was picked to test out Google's Chromium OS!" (I just hit the "search" button looking for the CAPS lock again!) This will be exciting, I start this testing with an open-mind and feeling awfully anxious.

First thoughts...
So, if you've read this far I'm sure you might be able to tell, that the keyboard is a little bit annoying for me. I believe I read some post about the CAPS lock being some sort of feature that I can enable (maybe)? The mouse is a bit odd as well (not that I need it). I never did like the Mac one-button-mouse setup. --I can adjust.

Boot-time! Whoa! It's like the folks at Google wanted to seriously give the "wow effect" on people as soon as I put in the battery and opened up the laptop, it surprised me with booting itself up and wow, I wish I had a video of it so I can see how fast it was! Amazing!

That's it thus far. I took the usual "new toy" pics, so I'll post them up soon. Hmmm...just noticed there's no "home|end|del" buttons?! Anyhow, stay tuned for updates!


(I just hit the "search" button again instead of the...well, you know!)
P.S. I need a shell, can I assume there's an app for that? ;-)

*The CAPS lock is actually the "search" button.

UPDATE: (yes, I just used the CAPS lock) THANK YOU! showed me the way to change the search key into my CAPS lock. --I knew I read it was possible somewhere!

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