Content Browser Bug
I plugged in a digital video recorder device the other day to upload some files. The Content Browser acknowledged the device immediately and all went well. However, I now get this "Scanning Device.." message with an opened Content Browser every time I wake up the notebook or log in. It just sits there and all I do is close it. It keeps popping up now though. No, the device is not connected any longer.Weird eh? Anyone else having this issue? --yes, I sent in a bug report to Google.
Multitouch w00t!
I just played with AudioTool (pretty cool so far!) and while playing around noticed the multi-touch support for the trackpad! Apparently, you can zoom in and out [in that app] just as you would in Android or an iphone.So technically, I was trying to scroll in that app with two fingers on the trackpad like it said to do in the "Get Started" walkthrough. But hey, nice find for me!
goto about:flags in the address bar, and turn off the advanced file system support
@reddog176 thanks man that got rid of the message. though, i did want to get some testing on the advanced file system, it didn't seem to give me much more functionality (videos on my usb device didn't play, etc.)
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