Tuesday, December 21, 2010

CR-48 1st Day Frustrations


Yea, that is how I feel right about now. I didn't think it would matter, but the lack of physical mouse buttons is rather annoying; and I'm not the only one! While browsing sites, I like to do the "right-click and open in new tab" thing. The way you right click here is rather annoying! I honestly don't know how the Macheads live without mouse buttons! --right-click is it still a ctrl+click?

Gone With The Flash

Wow, so I know Linux + Flash hasn't been the greatest of combinations for quite some time, but a lot has changed in the later years. So, the libflashplayer.so crashed and chrome didn't like it; okay that's fine and all if I could only do anything about it! I had mouse and keyboard functionality, but if I clicked anything in Chrome, nothing would work. Luckily, I had a shell open and I could run commands. I tried to kill some chrome instances, but then nothing was happening. I ended up rebooting from the shell and now I can work.

What caused the Flash-Crash?
I'm not sure, it happened twice now and the first time I thought it was caused by a website, but I also noticed that I installed the eBuddy Messenger app and that seemed to have been the issue. So, perhaps not really a Google bug, but nonetheless if bad code can bring the whole system to a hault, then Google needs to do a better job at jailing its processes. --I thought Chrome did jail its flash processes?

Circling back to my mouse complaints, I've noticed that when I type I like to rest my wrists down on the laptop. The mouse sometimes catches that and then my cursor moves somewhere else and I start making typos all over.

All Is Not In the Negative

On a much happier note, the boot time and sleep/awake time is amazing! I've read that it was fast, but wow, I am impressed. Kudos Team Chrome!
Also, I am more than impressed with the battery life of this machine. I'm curious what the "official" battery time is...

Personal, Yet Slightly Related Tangent

I finally realized that receiving the CR-48 last night was also due to the fact that the moon, Earth, and sun were aligned!

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